How to Get Started With MitID Erhverv: A Guide

The Danish MitID Erhverv (or “MitID for Business”) is replacing the NemID Medarbejdersignatur as the new identification solution for businesses.

Find out what it is and how your company can get started with MitID Erhverv.

What is MitID Erhverv?

MitID Erhverv is the new identity solution for companies and organizations in Denmark. It will replace the NemID Medarbejdersignatur. MitID Erhverv is for businesses that:

  • Are current users of NemID Medarbejdersignatur
  • Have multiple employees that need to act on behalf of the company

Employees will use MitID Erhverv to log in to public or private self-service platforms and read digital letters sent to the company, among other things.

If you own a sole proprietorship or a smaller personal company (PMV), you don’t need MitID Erhverv. Instead, you can use your private MitID identity to sign and enter into agreements on behalf of the company.

Read more about the different types of MitID Erhverv logins here.

When will it go live?

MitID Erhverv was first launched on October 12, 2022. The first stage included smaller companies and organizations with fewer than three individuals using MitID on behalf of the company. 

At the start of 2023, larger companies and public authorities have started adopting the new identification scheme.

The old NemID Medarbejdersignatur can be used until October 31, 2023, after which it will be completely phased out.

Why is MitID Erhverv replacing NemID medarbejdersignatur?

NemID Medarbejdersignatur is being phased out due to increased security requirements and lack of usability.

The new solution is more user-friendly. Individual employees will be able to authenticate themselves with MitID Erhverv through their private MitID identity, which also simplifies the onboarding process.

How do I get started with MitID Erhverv?

To get your business ready for MitID Erhverv, follow the three simple steps below.

1. Get ready for migration

The first step in migrating from NemID Medarbejdersignatur to MitID Erhverv is to register a company representative (ledelsesrepræsentant) to CVR. 

Once you’ve chosen and registered your company representative, that employee will officially approve the use of MitID Erhverv by connecting the company to the service.

2. Connect your company or organization to MitID Erhverv

Your company representatives can now connect the company to MitID Erhverv. 

They will also choose a MitID administrator (organisationsadministrator) who will be able to finalize the setup so the company can start using MitID Erhverv.

3. Set up your company or organization in MitID Erhverv

Once the company is connected to MitID Erhverv, the MitID administrator can set the organization up for MitID Erhverv.

What makes the new identity solution so efficient is that all employees who have previously used NemID Medarbejdersignatur can be easily transferred to MitID Erhverv along with their current user rights. The administrator will then have to activate the list of employees who will use MitID Erhverv.

The administrator must also choose which identification methods employees may use on behalf of the company. Since employees are able to use their private MitID for company verifications, the administrator must decide whether to enable this option.

Once the administrator has made this decision, the individual employee must activate themselves via the chosen MitID method. After that, the employee will be able to act on behalf of the company through MitID Erhverv.

You can also read more about getting started on the MitID Erhverv website.


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