Telenor: We need more focus on online safety!

Last year, Telenor launched a widespread campaign for its new service, “Netsikker”, which guarantees their consumer customers legal assistance if they are exposed to digital offenses.

Consumer CMO at Telenor, Christian Hoffmann, shares the thoughts behind the new service.

“Netsikker is a service and insurance included in all our mobile plans for the consumer market. With NetSikker, our customers are guaranteed legal assistance if they fall victim to a digital offense,” he says and explains that these may include digital harassment, fake profiles, or unwanted sharing of private pictures.

Online insurance included

Telenor also offers insurance that covers ID theft, credit card, and e-ID fraud as an add-on product.

“Unfortunately, as we spend more time online, we are also more exposed to harmful experiences in the digital world. According to a survey among the Danish population, 19 percent claim that they have experienced digital offenses in some form. That is a frighteningly high number, and it confirms that we have a problem that cannot be solved with good advice alone. Professional assistance is needed,” Christian Hoffmann states.

But why is that Telenor’s responsibility? Some would say it is a matter for the authorities.

Christian_Hoffmann_Telenor_IntextConsumer CMO, Christian Hoffmann

“Our survey shows that 87 % of Danes would not know what to do or where to seek help if they were exposed to a digital offense, and 53 % wish there were a place where they could receive free counseling. It is a problem, and someone needs to act,” Christian Hoffmann says and continues:

“As a telecommunications company, we establish our customers’ connection to the digital world, and therefore we feel a certain level of responsibility to create a safe environment. The Internet can be a fantastic place with unlimited options, and we want our customers to be able to enjoy that while still feeling safe knowing that Telenor has their back and makes it easy for them to get help.”

Better online behavior

With Netsikker, Telenor not only helps customers that experience digital offenses, but they also try to affect the way people think and behave online.

“Regarding fake profiles and consumer-to-consumer sales, there is no doubt that increased use of identification such as NemID and MitID would have a preventive effect. But there is also a lot you can do to protect yourself online,” he says, referring to, where the company has published several articles about online safety.

“Our guides include tips on how to detect fake websites or email addresses, and you can also find a guide to safe surfing habits for kids.”

MitID with Criipto as brokers

In terms of safety online, Telenor is live with MitID. The new Danish eID and successor to NemID.

“Together with Criipto, the migration to MitID went smoothly, and the same goes for our cooperation with Criipto.”

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