Belgian itsme®: What Are the Benefits?

itsme® is a digital identity solution developed collaboratively by major banks and telecom providers in Belgium. It’s a secure and user-friendly way for people to verify their identity online and perform digital transactions, all through a single mobile application.
itsme® is Belgium’s most popular app and is also available to users in the Netherlands and Luxembourg. Anyone can enroll, as long as they have a:
- Belgian eID or a bank account
- Dutch eID or passport (with NFC)
- Luxembourg eID (with NFC)
In other words, you’ll need a Benelux eID, but you don’t have to be a citizen of a Benelux country to enroll. More than 6.7 million people in Belgium alone have an active itsme® account, and we can expect this number to grow further.
Seamless onboarding and multiple use cases
The itsme® mobile application caters to four use cases:
- Registering new online accounts
- Logging into existing accounts
- Confirming payments and other online transactions
- Signing digital documents
To get started, users go through a one-off registration process. Once onboarded, they can use the app to interact with businesses and government platforms.
A network of trust across sectors
More than 800 companies across different sectors offer authentication or digital signing with itsme®. This includes government and public services, banks, major insurance providers, HR companies, healthcare institutions, telecom providers, document signing platforms, real estate, and many others.
Emphasis on security and privacy
itsme® takes a robust approach to protecting user information. This includes:
- Multi-factor authentication: Each transaction involves a three-part verification process: the smartphone, the itsme® app, and a personalized itsme® code (or biometric verification).
- Data protection: Personal data is protected with advanced encryption both when stored and while in transit.
- Respect for privacy: itsme® maintains privacy through user consent and transparent data sharing. Finalizing a transaction requires explicit confirmation and the use of a personal code or biometric verification. itsme® partners commit to only request data that’s strictly necessary for their services.
- Compliance with European standards: itsme® adheres to European regulations on security and privacy. It is certified for eIDAS (EU electronic ID standards), ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certified for the management of information security, and aligns with GDPR (EU privacy protection) regulations.
Great user experience
The itsme® app has a user-centric design, making it easy and intuitive to use.
A user typically
- Initiates an action on an online platform
- Receives a notification in the itsme® app
- Confirms the transaction with a personal code or biometric authentication.
The user journey differs slightly between desktop and mobile.
On Desktop:
1. Click the itsme® button and enter your phone number.
2. Launch itsme® mobile app, which will present the relevant action card.
3. Review and confirm the action.
4. Complete the process by entering your itsme® code or providing biometrics.
On Mobile:
1. Click the itsme® button and the app will open automatically.
2. Review and confirm the action.
3. Complete the process by entering your itsme® code or providing biometrics.
Here’s a video that demonstrates this seamless experience: