Dutch DigiD

Create a free developer account and test our DigiD integration for user authentication and digital signatures.

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Supported use cases for DigiD

Supported use cases for DigiD

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Criipto Verify

Log in to your site or app with electronic identities (eIDs) that meet regulatory standards

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Criipto Signatures

Sign documents with legally binding signatures, fully customized for your brand

Why choose Criipto?

Why choose Criipto?


Realtime technical support

Sign up to access our Slack support channel and get fast technical support, directly from our developers

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Developer friendly integration

Get immediate access to all our supported eIDs through one simple integration

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Fast and efficient onboarding

Get your company up and running in minutes and invite your developers to your dashboard

Start integrating DigiD in minutes

Start integrating DigiD in minutes

SDKs and library support for major platforms allow developers to easily integrate DigiD in their app or website. Sign up for a free test account and start implementing your authentication flow using well-known technologies like Auth0, React, .NET and Swift.
SDKs and library support for major platforms allow developers to easily integrate DigiD in their app or website. Sign up for a free test account and start implementing your authentication flow using well-known technologies like Auth0, React, .NET and Swift.
import React from 'react';
import { useCriiptoVerify, AuthMethodSelector } from '@criipto/verify-react';
import Loading from './Loading';

function Login() {
  const { isLoading } = useCriiptoVerify();

  return (
      {isLoading && <Loading />}
      <AuthMethodSelector />

export default Login;

Pricing and onboarding

Pricing and onboarding

With our price model, you pay for a usage-based plan that includes a certain number of logins or signatures. If you exceed that number, you can either pay for the overage or upgrade your plan.


Besides the Criipto subscription fee, a separate fee is charged by DigiD or any other eID provider you choose to use.

With our price model, you pay for a usage-based plan that includes a certain number of logins or signatures. If you exceed that number, you can either pay for the overage or upgrade your plan.


Besides the Criipto subscription fee, a separate fee is charged by DigiD or any other eID provider you choose to use.

Ready to start verifying your users with DigiD?

Ready to start verifying your users with DigiD?

Start testing for free today. Onboard your company in minutes and test our products for as long as you like.

Start testing for free today. Onboard your company in minutes and test our products for as long as you like.