Criipto Connect 2024 A Nordic perspective on national wallets November 13, Copenhagen Bremen Teater 9-15

Join us in Copenhagen for a conference where the industry comes together to explore the forefront of digital identity.


Our main focus this year is on national wallets.


The eIDAS 2.0 regulation is a major topic for businesses and policymakers in Europe, and one of its focal points is the introduction of the European Digital Identity Wallet.


But how are we going about this in Denmark compared to other Nordic and European countries, and where do we need to go from here?

Sign up today and secure your free spot.

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Event themes

National wallets, eIDAS 2.0, and disrupting the user experience

National wallets and eIDAS 2.0 are the next key focus in European digital innovation. Countries are developing solutions aimed at making identity verification safer, more privacy-preserving, and user-friendly for their citizens.


We have brought together European identity experts to share their perspectives on the role wallets will play in the future. Learn about the impact of the eIDAS 2.0 legislation and how citizens will use digital wallets across member states.

Front Bremen teater

Why attend?

What to expect at Criipto Connect

What to expect at Criipto Connect

Network with industry experts

Connect with leading professionals in European digital identity and gain insights into the latest trends and developments

Gain insights from keynote speakers

Connect with leading professionals in European identity and gain insights into the latest trends and developments

No conference without food & drinks!

Your brain needs energy for all the presentations & conversations. We have your back with a light breakfast, lunch, snacks and drinks. And beers after the programme, of course.



Niels-Flensted-Jensen, CEO, Criipto

Opening talk & Unphishable web wallets

Peter Gregersen, Designer, Vipps Mobilepay

How do you convince Danes to accept Vipps when they love their Mobilepay?

Torsten Lodderstedt, Lead Architect, German EUDI Wallet project

Participant panel discussion: The national adoption of eIDAS 2.0

Anders Gjøen, Strategy & Business development EUeID & Trust Service, BankID BankAxept

Participant panel discussion: The national adoption of eIDAS 2.0

Michael Vognsen Nielsen, Manager, Netcompany

Participant panel discussion: The national adoption of eIDAS 2.0


09.00 - Arrival and check-in
09.30 - Conference opening by Niels Flensted-Jensen
09.45 - Keynote (TBA)
10.30 - Break
10.45 - Keynote: How do you convince the Danes to accept Vipps, when they love their MobilePay?

Peter gregersen from Vipps/MobilePay shares the story of how he and his team managed that transition and what we can learn from that in the future.

11.30 - Unphishable web wallets with Niels Flensted-Jensen
12.00 - Lunch
12.45 - Panel discussion: The national adoption of eIDAS 2

Anders Gjøen, BankID BankAxept, Strategy & Business development EUeID & Trust Service.
Michael Vognsen Nielsen, Netcompany, Manager med fokus på eIDAS.
Torsten Lodderstedt, SPRIND - Bundesagentur für Sprunginnovationen, Lead Architect (German EUDI Wallet project).



13.35 - Closing talk
13.45 - Musical surprise
14.00 - Endnote and networking at the bar
16.00 - End of Criipto Connect

Time to talk

Bremen Theater is located in the center of Copenhagen. It consists of a large stage with movie theater style seats, and a spacious bar area with booths and extra meeting rooms. In other words - plenty of space and opportunity to talk to one another and relax between sessions.


We know that for some, a conference is a chance to talk to your peers. So, it’s perfectly fine to show up only to enjoy the company and the snacks!

The venue Bremen Teater

For hvem?

Eventet er for alle med interesse i BankID og nye BankID biometri! C-level med fokus på kostnadskutt, digitalisering eller å møte med det regulatoriske?

Criipto er selskapet som setter utvikleren i høysetet! BankID-løsninger spiller også en vesentlig rolle innen forretningsutvikling og strategi. Dørene er åpne for alle.

Eventet er for alle med interesse i BankID og nye BankID biometri! C-level med fokus på kostnadskutt, digitalisering eller å møte med det regulatoriske?

Criipto er selskapet som setter utvikleren i høysetet! BankID-løsninger spiller også en vesentlig rolle innen forretningsutvikling og strategi. Dørene er åpne for alle.


Arrangementet holdes av Criipto og BankID BankAxept AS i samarbeid. Hvor følgende er tilstede som vertskap.

Arrangementet holdes av Criipto og BankID BankAxept AS i samarbeid. Hvor følgende er tilstede som vertskap.

Jan Bjervad

Leder for ID, BankID BankAxept

Espen Helgesen

Partner Manager ID, BankID BankAxept

Niels Flensted

CEO, Criipto

Niels Flensted-Jensen

Anne Taranger Gjesdahl

Head of Sales Norway, Criipto

Anne Taranger Gjesdahl

Janni Møller Thomsen

Relationship Director, Criipto

Janni Møller Thomsen