Delivery services
Deliver age-restricted products with secure customer age verification
Let customers seamlessly order age-restricted products by verifying their age and identity through eID authentication.

“foodora originally chose and continues to use Criipto as our main provider for secure identification and age verification on our platform”
Carl Randers
Operations Director, foodora

“We needed a simple way to add age verification checks in our customer journey. Criipto made it possible for us to seamlessly and securely verify our customers through Norwegian BankID”
Hanne Grotle Nore
Business Development Manager, Aviant
Reach the right customer. Every time.
Criipto’s eID age verification solution is KYC compliant, so you can be sure that each customer is who they claim to be.
Verify age without sacrificing the user experience
Add secure eID authentication to let customers verify their age without introducing any friction.
Want to know more about age verification through eIDs?
Want to know more about age verification through eIDs?
Reach out to see how your delivery service can ensure compliance with Criipto.
Reach out to see how your delivery service can ensure compliance with Criipto.