Criipto: Certified MitID Broker

Criipto is a certified MitID broker in Denmark.
We help businesses and organizations integrate MitID for authentication (login) and digital signatures.
Below, we’ll cover the following:
- What a MitID broker does
- How the technical MitID integration works
- The different security levels
- How you can get started with MitID
What is a MitID broker?
MitID was first introduced in 2021 by the Agency for Digital Government (Digitaliseringsstyrelsen) and Finans Danmark. Along with this came the concept of MitID brokers.
A MitID broker acts as the bridge between the MitID solution itself and a business that provides end users with MitIDs for login or signatures.
When an end user performs a MitID authentication, the MitID broker forwards the authentication to MitID.
Why do you need a MitID broker?
If a private company wants to provide MitID login or signatures in their systems, it must use a MitID broker. This is dictated by the Digitaliseringsstyrelsen. As such, you can’t integrate MitID without a broker.
For public organizations, NemLog-in3 acts as the broker.
From NemID to MitID
Since its launch in 2010, NemID has been the primary eID in Denmark. Now, it’s been completely phased out and replaced by MitID.
All companies providing NemID verification had to transition to MitID before October 31, 2023.
How to use Criipto as MitID broker
Criipto provides a seamless, cost-effective, and secure MitID integration.
Developers can build MitID integration with Criipto Verify and OpenID Connect using our comprehensive guides tailored for various technology stacks. To begin, simply take advantage of our intuitive dashboard by creating a free developer account.
Test logins are unlimited and always free.
Once you’re ready to move to production and start authenticating real users, you can upgrade to a paid subscription.
Read more about ordering MitID for production.
What are the benefits of choosing Criipto as MitID broker?
Criipto provides a unique MitID solution that makes it possible to:
- Test a MitID integration for an unlimited period of time
- Customize the UI around the MitID verification box so that it resonate with your brand
- Leverage the appswitch feature to help users seamlessly complete the verification process
- Use our unique QR code feature to protect users from phishing attacks and fraud
- Collect verified address data with address registry lookups
The MitID user experience
There are strict UX requirements when it comes to providing MitID verification. These fall into two categories:
1. The MitID landing page
Unlike NemID, MitID does not support iFrame, so it must be shown in a full-page view. You are not allowed to change the look of the MitID login box. But you may change the styling of the page around the box. We have a dedicated Custom UI feature that lets you do so easily.
2. MitID branding in applications
You must follow a few specific requirements for styling, language, and call-to-action elements.
At Criipto, we’ve worked hard on features that let businesses create a better end-user experience despite the above limitations.
Learn about improving the MitID user experience with Criipto.
Digital signatures with MitID
In addition to MitID login, Criipto also offers a digital signature solution.
This lets businesses integrate MitID signatures into their current digital signature process to streamline it and improve its security.
If your business isn’t already using a digital process, there are many benefits to making the switch.
With Criipto, all documents are signed according to the highest PAdES-LTA standard.
While the application process to go into production is the same as for logins, the technical integration is slightly different. Criipto Signatures API is built with GraphQL.
Get answers to some of the most common topics on MitID.
What are the MitID Levels of Assurance?
There are three Levels of Assurance (LoA) of MitID: Low, Substantial, and High.
Criipto makes it possible to offer all three levels.
Learn more about LoA and which one to use >
How does the MitID QR code and app switch work?
On July 6, 2023, MitID introduced a QR code and app switch button on the app.
On desktop, users are now asked to scan a QR code with the MitID app during verification. This proves that the person is physically in front of the screen during authentication. See what the login process looks like with the QR code in the video below.
On their phones, users will now see an “Open MitID app” (“Åbn MitID app”) button that automatically redirects them to the MitID app. This helps the users complete the verification process.
Read more about these updates >
What's the price for MitID?
MitID currently costs 0,28 DKK per verification*.
With Criipto as your broker, you pay a monthly or yearly subscription to use our service, as well as the standard 0,28 DKK fee above.
Calculate your price for using MitID with Criipto >
*The price of MitID is updated on an ongoing basis.
Is it possible to collect user's address with MitID?
Certain businesses need to collect a user’s address during authentication. This may be to comply with regulations, detect fraud, or provide a better user experience.
In Denmark, residents’ addresses come from Det Centrale Personregister.
It’s also possible to collect this information through a MitID login with Criipto. We offer this feature as an add-on.
You can also read more about Address lookups on our add-on page.
What is MitID Erhverv?
MitID Erhverv is used by employees to verify themselves on behalf of a company or organization.
MitID Erhverv has replaced NemID Medarbejdersignatur, which was phased out for not living up to the most recent security requirements. MitID Erhverv is also a more user friendly solution.
Criipto offers MitID Erhverv integration for businesses, implemented using the same integration as for regular MitID.
Age verification with MitID
From October 1, 2024, businesses selling alcohol, tobacco, and nicotine products online must verify the customer’s age.
Before the new law was enforced, it was sufficient for the seller to require the customer to confirm that they were of legal age. The customer only needed to check a box without actually having to verify their age.
A simple and secure way to comply with the law is to verify customers using MitID.
At Criipto, we offer a MitID Age Check solution that only indicates whether the person is above or below the legal age. No other information about the person's identity is included in the verification.
Why use Criipto as a MitID broker?
Criipto is a leading provider of digital identity solutions through electronic identities (eIDs) in Europe.
We offer a straightforward, cost-effective, and fast integration with full technical support and guidance directly from our developers.
We manage MitID updates and maintenance, so you can focus on running your business.
Learn more: