What Is the Difference Between a MitID Login and an Age Verification Login?

Are you new to Criipto and want to know whether the standard MitID login or the Age Verification login best suits your needs?

In this article, we break down the differences to help you make the right choice.

Important note: The Age Verification login is based on MitID. So the login experience will be the same from the user’s perspective: They will simply log in with MitID in both cases.

Difference #1: The personal data you get from the user

When a user logs into a web application using an eID, the application receives a JWT (JSON Web Token) with the user’s personal details. Read more about JWT claims.

MitID and Age Verification logins differ in how much data they provide:

  • Standard MitID: Provides detailed user information, such as full name, date of birth, and possibly address details. See example.
  • Age Verification: Only checks if the user meets the specified age requirement (e.g. “above 18”) and returns a simple “true” or “false” response. It also includes the user’s country and a persistent pseudonym (the sub claim). Does not include personal details like full name or CPR number. See example.

Difference #2: Integration and production access

The integration process is straightforward in both cases, with minor differences:

  • Standard MitID: Use one of Criipto’s SDKs or any OpenID Connect library for integration. Once integration is completed, your business must apply for MitID production access to enable real logins.
  • Age Verification: In addition to the above, you can integrate Age Verification through eCommerce platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce. You can also choose one of our partners to help you integrate. As for production access, Age Verification uses a shared MitID provider by default. This means you don’t need to apply for MitID production access unless you need tenant-specific features, such as Custom Styling

Difference #3: Login pricing

The prices vary based on your login volume. For comparison:

Difference #4: Use cases

  • Standard MitID: If your business requires complete identity information (e.g. insurance) MitID login gives you the necessary verified details to establish a secure and personalized relationship with each customer. This level of detail can be necessary for setting up policies or managing claims.
  • Age Verification: If your business sells age-restricted products (e.g. a delivery service or an online store), you can use Age Verification to comply with legal age restrictions. In Denmark, the law mandates that online retailers selling alcohol, tobacco, or nicotine products must verify the customer’s age. Age Verification fulfills this requirement in a privacy-conscious way. It helps you confirm that the customer meets the minimum age requirement without revealing additional personal information. 

Read more: Why Your Business Needs a Strong Age Verification System

Why we created the Age Verification login

MitID is ideal for businesses that need comprehensive identity verification. 

While MitID can help you verify a customer’s age, it also pulls extra information that requires secure storage to comply with GDPR. For many businesses, this is an unnecessary burden.

That's why we developed Age Verification to help you confirm a customer's age…and nothing else.

Age Verification is a simpler, privacy-focused option for any store or service that needs to perform age checks.

Discuss your case with an expert or sign up for a free developer account.


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