Swedish BankID is one of the most trusted eIDs in the world and is used by more than 8 million people. Users authenticate themselves everyday primarily through their smartphones with biometric authentication, making BankID user-friendly and secure.
Swedish BankID
Swedish BankID is used across all regulated industries, such as financial service and healthcare, but also almost anywhere else you care to log in.
Learn more about how to integrate BankID for authentication and signatures.

Secure BankID authentication
Trusted identity method
User verifications in all scenarios
The high level of trust and ease has lead to Swedish BankID being used for identity verifications on several different private as well as governmental platforms and services. The eID upholds a high level of safety to ensure that all users are able to safely authenticate themselves, login and digitally sign documents. Swedish BankID is also compliant with eIDAS.
Supported use cases for Swedish BankID
Supported use cases for Swedish BankID

Criipto Verify
Log in to your site or app with electronic identities (eIDs) that meet regulatory standards

Criipto signatures
Digitally sign documents with legally binding signatures, fully customized for your brand
Why choose Criipto?
Why choose Criipto?

Realtime technical support
Sign up to access our Slack support channel and get fast technical support, directly from our developers

Developer friendly integration
Get immediate access to Swedish BankID and all our supported eIDs through one simple integration

Fast and efficient onboarding
Get your company up and running in minutes and invite your developers to your dashboard
Start integrating BankID in minutes
Start integrating BankID in minutes
SDKs and library support for major platforms allow developers to easily integrate Swedish BankID in their app or website. Sign up for a free test account and start implementing your authentication flow using well-known technologies like Auth0, React, .NET and Swift.
SDKs and library support for major platforms allow developers to easily integrate Swedish BankID in their app or website. Sign up for a free test account and start implementing your authentication flow using well-known technologies like Auth0, React, .NET and Swift.
import React from 'react';
import { useCriiptoVerify } from '@criipto/verify-react';
const LoginButton = () => {
const { loginWithRedirect } = useCriiptoVerify();
return <button onClick={() => loginWithRedirect()}>Log in</button>;
export default LoginButton;
JWT claims
JWT claims
Validate Swedish users to obtain their social security number (personnummer) and name.
Validate Swedish users to obtain their social security number (personnummer) and name.
Increase security with BankID's Secure start
Protect your users from phishing attacks by implementing Autostart and QR code.
With Criipto as BankID provider, you can easily activate Secure start by toggling a switch in the dashboard. Secure Start became mandatory from May 1st, 2024, and you can easily stay compliant with Criipto.

Swedish BankID pricing and onboarding
Swedish BankID pricing and onboarding
Setup fee
The setup fee for Swedish BankID and any additional eID is 1,200 DKK.
Provider fee
Authentication: 0,10 DKK
Native signatures: 0,75 DKK
Social security numbers (personnummer) are always delivered at no extra cost.
BankID certificate
To start accepting real users with Swedish BankID, you must first request a certificate to identify your organization. Read more about the certificate process for BankID.
You will be billed monthly by Criipto for your subscription. On top of this the actual BankID usage fees are also charged by Criipto.
Frequently asked questions
How do I integrate BankID with Criipto?
With Criipto you may integrate BankID by simply configuring a standard protocol already available in your platform (OpenID Connect), no knowledge of the proprietary BankID API is needed.
Is it possible to implement BankID in telephone calls?
Yes, you can add BankID in telephone calls to your Swedish BankID integration. Our Caller authentication add-on allows you to verify your users' identities when talking to them on the phone. Criipto Verify facilitates Swedish BankID phone authentication via the CIBA flow.
Can I follow any technical integration guide?
You can integrate Swedish BankID into a React Native (+Expo) application.
Read our guide and learn how to integrate Swedish BankID into your React Native & Expo application with our SDK to provide a smooth authentication experience.
Does Criipto support both Mobile and filebased BankID?
The BankID app on mobile is by far the most widely used BankID method for Authentication or Digital signatures. Still, you may use both Mobile and filebased BankID through Criipto and using device sensitive logic in your application you may also use direct app switching on mobile devices.
How do I migrate an existing user database to BankID?
Typically you will want the migration from an existing user database to BankID to be as seamless as possible for your users. Basically you have two options, namely either matching on social security number if you have that already. Or you will have to ask your users to do some sort of double authentication to combine the old login with the new BankID login.
How can BankID improve my login and onboarding process?
Implementing BankID authentication into your login or onboarding experience can benefit your business in several different ways. With BankID’s QR code and its widespread usage among the Swedish population, you can enhance security, user experience, and trust in your business.
Is it possible to integrate BankID with QR code?
Yes! With Criipto, your business can seamlessly implement BankID with QR code and meet the requirements of Secure Start from BankID, effective May of 2024. This means that the scanning of a QR code will replace users entering their social security number (personnummer) directly on their desktop.
The QR code helps businesses protect their users from phishing attacks and can easily be applied through Criipto.
Ready to verify your users with BankID?
Ready to verify your users with BankID?
Start testing for free today. Onboard your company in minutes and test our products for as long as you like
Start testing for free today. Onboard your company in minutes and test our products for as long as you like